Saturday 8 September 2007

It's a Swissgrace

That the Swiss ruling party is using this poster for campaigning is a disgrace. The fact that the Swiss people let them get away with it and the fact they have even increased their lead in the polls since it has come out is even more of a disgrace. The Indy had an article on its front page yesterday asking if Switzerland is now the heart Europe's heart of darkness. On CNN they interviewed a young black guy in Geneva and he said it came as no surprise that they were using blatantly racist campaigning, but he was surprised by how blatant they were about it.

In my last job I worked with a lot of Swiss people and found the vast majority of them very materialistic, arrogant, racist and not very happy. What a horrible country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blimey Simon you must have taken up reading that Guardian rag again!