Saturday 8 September 2007

T's "favourite things" cake

This is my version of the Power Ranger cake, but I put Scooby Doo on there too, the dapper dog is also a Pacuare juniors' fav. I went for a double choc victoria sponge cake in the end with some cardboard Power Ranger cut outs; the selotape and cocktail stick solution proved a goody.
I was asked the other day how you make a Vicky sponge cake - my nana always says 3 eggs, 6oz self raising flour, 6oz sugar and 6oz marg/ butter. If you want chocolate you add some cocoa powder and reduce the flour. The easy way to remember is: pick your number of eggs ( 3 0r 4 will do for standard vicky sandwich tins) and then put double the amount, in ounces, of all other ingredients, with slight adjustment for chocolate. Two tins and an oven at around 175/180 degrees F. 25-30 mins and there you go. Your canvas is prepared for all sorts of decor experiments.

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